8 years of suffering under Barack Obama

Democrats don’t celebrate in the end zone. They are generally realists who know there is no end zone in politics. Republicans do, however, and are still celebrating the affable Ronald Reagan despite his poor economic legacy. The trend isn’t good. The present occupant of the White’s House even celebrates on the wrong side of the 50-yard line!

This excellent post encapsulates the Obama era very well and is overdue. Enjoy.

Teri Carter's Library


3C54DC7D00000578-4140672-Barack_Obama_waves_as_he_boards_Marine_One_and_departs_the_Capit-a-77_1484945371469 Photo credit: The Associated Press

The sentence I hear most from well-meaning, conservative friends since President Trump’s election is this: “We suffered 8 years under Barack Obama.”

Fair enough. Let’s take a look.

The day Obama took office, the Dow closed at 7,949 points. Eight years later, the Dow had almost tripled.

General Motors and Chrysler were on the brink of bankruptcy, with Ford not far behind, and their failure, along with their supply chains, would have meant the loss of millions of jobs. Obama pushed through a controversial, $8o billion bailout to save the car industry. The U.S. car industry survived, started making money again, and the entire $80 billion was paid back, with interest.

While we remain vulnerable to lone-wolf attacks, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully executed a mass attack here since 9/11.

Obama ordered the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

He drew down the number…

View original post 464 more words

About Jim Wheeler

U. S. Naval Academy, BS, Engineering, 1959; Naval line officer and submariner, 1959 -1981, Commander, USN; The George Washington U., MSA, Management Eng.; Aerospace Engineer, 1981-1999; Resident Gadfly, 1999 - present. Political affiliation: Democratic.
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5 Responses to 8 years of suffering under Barack Obama

  1. PiedType says:

    Growing frustration here with the idea that one party or the other did or didn’t do something. Call me extrememly old fashioned, but those men and women were elected to work together for the good of the nation as a whole, not just for the glory of their own party beating or obstructing the other party.

    Trump’s party du jour is not nearly as important as the fact that in virtually every other way — morally, intellectually, emotionally — he’s grossly unqualified to be president.

    Liked by 1 person

    • jeff1089 says:

      I would sort of agree except that I would state that Paul Ryan is grossly unqualified to be speaker of the house and Mitch McConnell is unqualified for Senate majority leader as well if he is not outright someone’s puppet due to the Cocaine bust in his wife’s family’s shipping business from 2014 that quietly disappeared. Add to that that Clarence Thomas is grossly underqualified to be a supreme court justice and the list goes on from there.


      • Jim Wheeler says:

        @jeff1089, “Unqualified” may apply to Ryan, McConnell, Thomas, et.al., but their problem goes deeper than that, I submit. It’s kinda like the glass-half-full or half empty simile. They see differences in social and financial class as sinister and negative rather than looking for positive aspects. Drilling down, I think it’s malignant tribalism.


  2. Jim R says:

    That was a good post highlighting positive accomplishments. Sadly, the current occupant of the Oval Office is intent on reversing everything he possibly can that has a BHO signature on it. As PiedType said above ‘…grossly unqualified…’


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