10 Reactions To New FBI Investigation Of Hillary Clinton’s Emails

List of X has done it again. If you still need some perspective on this crazy election, please take refuge in this humor, the last refuge from political insanity!

List of X

"Note to self: fire James Comey.... Wait... Is this already on Wikileaks?" @DefinitelyNotARussianHacker: "Da." Image source: hacked from AP “Note to self: fire James Comey…. Wait… Is this already on Wikileaks?”
@DefinitelyNotARussianHacker: “Da.”
Image source: hacked from AP

Last weekend, there was a new shocking development in the 2016 presidential election: James Comey, head of the FBI, informed Congress that FBI had seized a laptop belonging to serial sexter Anthony Weiner and his wife, top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, and found thousands of emails that may or may not be relevant to the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Of course, since there are only a few days before election, this revelation has caused a Samsung phone-like explosion, with Republicans once again demanding that Hillary Clinton is immediately imprisoned regardless of the outcome of the investigation, and Democrats blaming the FBI for conspiring with Russia and Wikileaks to help Donald Trump win the election. Here are 10 reactions to the Emailgate and the FBI investigation.

1)  Francois Hollande…

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About Jim Wheeler

U. S. Naval Academy, BS, Engineering, 1959; Naval line officer and submariner, 1959 -1981, Commander, USN; The George Washington U., MSA, Management Eng.; Aerospace Engineer, 1981-1999; Resident Gadfly, 1999 - present. Political affiliation: Democratic.
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7 Responses to 10 Reactions To New FBI Investigation Of Hillary Clinton’s Emails

  1. sandiemorgan says:

    Jim, this is funny stuff. It would be even funnier if it didn’t hurt so much. #8 is my favorite. Bud


  2. PiedType says:

    I’m so tired of this election (make that sick and tired) that whether it’s something serious or humorous, I just don’t want to hear it anymore.


  3. Number 3 made me laugh, and we certainly need a laugh. I do think we are going to have a President Trump, brought to us by voter intimidation, voter suppression, paper-less machines that won’t recount, and a supreme court that will finally put Trump in because Justice Ginsburg will have to recuse herself after publicly declaring Trump is unfit. I’d like to curl up and sleep until this is all over (if it ever is).


    • Jim Wheeler says:

      Helen, if Trump does win, I am hopeful that the judiciary and the Democrats in Congress will be able to limit the damage. Another blogger, whom I think you follow, AFrankAngle, strongly trusts divided government can do this, and I agree. But only to a point. Trump is not a normal candidate and as Commander in Chief, he poses a serious threat to world stability. ( I don’t even want to think about nuclear war!) Congress hasn’t recognized its responsibility to declare war for 75 years. Also, Trump’s isolationist leanings would promote the same in other countries just at the time the EU is cracking. I think many people fail to understand the forces behind the two world wars. Let’s hope Hillary can pull this one out.


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